
前一阵子去看 java 虚拟机原理, 忽然痛悟到虚拟机也是机器啊, 呵呵也就是个软件而已. 看到 java 方法调用太复杂. 字节码那一套又不太熟悉, 还不如直接去看 C 编


analysis01 设计理念 机制与策略分离 机制 – 提供什么样的功能 策略 – 如何使用这些功能 说实在的这句话第一次听到还是挺震撼的, 一时觉得大学里的操作系统都不知道在


添加 openjdk8 的第三方源 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa ppa (Personal Package Achives) 执行更新 apt-get update 安装 openjdk8 sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk 选择版本 sudo update-alternatives - -config java 确认安装成功 java -version


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is intended for use as a highly reliable host-to-host protocol between hosts in packet-switched computer communication networks, and in interconnected systems of such networks. TCP header format basic data transfer reliability sequence number acknowledgement flow control window size multiplexing socket (ip, port) connections Each connection is uniquely specified by a pair of sockets identifying its two sides.(source ip, source port),(destination ip, destination port) sockets sequence